
To access the full text of this Constitution, please click here. Below, you will find Articles I – III:


Tennessee Association of Science Department Chairs, Incorporated



Name and Purpose

Section 1. Name and Address

The name of this organization shall be the Tennessee Association of Science Department Chairs, Incorporated. The address of the Office shall be the permanent address of the Association.

Section 2. Purpose

The purposes of the Association is to promote a free-forum for members to discuss ideas, exchange good teaching practices, and collaborate on promoting science in the State of Tennessee.




Section 1. Membership

Membership of the Association is open to institutions, science faculties and science students from high schools, colleges, and universities.

Section 2. Members

Any person or organization interested or engaged in scientific work may apply for membership. Members are elected at the annual meeting by a majority of the members present. In the interim between meetings, the Executive Committee shall accept members, subject to ratification at the next annual meeting.

Section 3. Fellows

Members who have participated in more than two of the following Association activities:

(1) section chairperson, (2) editor, (3) over five years of committee service, (5) over three publications in the Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, (6) over three presentations of paper at the annual meeting, (7) researchers, educators, administrators, or professionals involved and have established themselves in science endeavors in Tennessee, on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, may be elected as Fellows at the annual meeting by a two-thirds vote of the members present. Nominations should be endorsed by two members.

Section 4. Senior Fellows

This category is reserved only for exceptional individuals who have established themselves in their respective fields as experts. This category of membership is by invitation only. All recommendations are decided by the committee after considering each individuals life-time achievements in any established field.

Section 5. Honorary Members

Persons who have attained prominence in, or made outstanding contributions to, science or any other branch of learning, including contributions to the Association, on the recommendation of the Executive Committee, may be elected honorary members at any regular meeting by a two-thirds vote of members present.

Section 6. Other Classes

The specifications of the remaining classes of membership together with dues information as for Regular, Student, Emeritus, Fellows, and Honorary Members shall be found in the Bylaws.

Section 7. Membership Privileges

All current members except Institutional are eligible to participate in the Annual Business Meeting, to vote, and hold office in the Association. No member may concurrently hold two elective or appointed offices. No person shall be entitled to more than one vote.



Section 1. Elections and Terms of Office

The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, Secretary, and Treasurer which shall be permanent positions except when they elect to leave the position and/or the Association.

Section 2. Duties of the President

The President:

Section 4. Duties of the Secretary: The Secretary:

Section 5. Duties of the Treasurer:

The Treasurer: